

Mushroom nutritious significance possessed significant development

Time: 2022-04-14

  Mushroom rich in protein and amino acids, low in fat, and its content is generally fruits and vegetables several times to several times. Such as fresh mushrooms containing protein was 1.5-3.5%, which is three times as cabbage, radish six times, Apple's 17 times. 1 kg of dried mushrooms contains protein equivalent to 2 kg of lean meat, eggs, 3 kg or 12 kg of milk proteins. Mushroom also contains vitamins, rich in VB1, V12, are higher than the meat, mushrooms Vd original content in 128 international standards, seaweed 8 times 7 times sweet potato, soybean 21 times. Mushroom also contains a variety of mineral elements: phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and other trace elements. Tremella contains more phosphorus, helps restore and enhance brain function. Mushrooms, edible fungus high iron content. The ash element potassium mushrooms accounted for 65%, which is alkaline food senior food, can neutralize the acid produced meat. Its rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, with increased immunity, enhance human health functions, and the meat is tender and delicious, has now become essential food masses, consumption growth year after year.

  Scientists predict that the 21st century will develop into a major human edible protein foods. 2005 China's total output of edible content of up to 1200 tons, ranking first in the world, according to Chinese Mushroom Business Network survey, in 2010 China's total output of 20 million tons edible, accounting for 70% of the world.

  Compared with developed countries, China's technological backwardness mushroom cultivation, facilities, equipment is simple, low yields (yield of edible 15 kg / m², abroad in the 25 kg / sq m) Therefore, we must catch up, improve technology,mushroom cultivation technology of early catch up and surpass the advanced world level.

  Mushroom belongs heterotrophic organisms, since he can not produce raw nutrients, only by constantly absorb nutrients from the outside, in order to carry out the growth, development and reproduction. It is understood that there are already able to promote the growth of edible mushroom dedicated fully functional nutrient solution - energy mix. According to reports by the spectacular Sunshine Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing R & D and production of the nutrient solution is to amino acids (18AA), glucose-based raw materials, supplemented by a variety of nutrients, adding growth factors and pro-active factor, no chemical ingredients , no hormones, non-toxic, harmless, odorless, organic state (amino acid content ≥ 10.0%, trace elements ≥ 2.0%, Water insoluble ≤ 5.0%, PH value of between 3.5-8.0; Arsenic ≤ 0.002% Cd ≤ 0.002%, Pb ≤ 0.01%.). Amino acids are the major cell protein and nucleic acid material, the nutrient solution as a carbon source for mycelial utilization, and promote balanced nutrition and physical transformation; Glucose whose role is to constitute a supply of edible mushroom cell structure of matter and the energy required for growth and development; Meanwhile nutrient solution in a variety of nutrients can activate cell proliferation, activation of physiological functions, enhance photosynthesis, promote mycelial growth and fruiting body formation. Nutrition industry also has to promote root development of ingredients that can enhance root activity, promote nutrient conduction and transformation, so that the fruiting body formation and fruiting bodies grow strong; related personnel, said use of the nutrient solution 1-3 days, visible Gulei increased fruiting bright, thick, with vigor; whole growing season use, can be harvested 3-5 days in advance, production increased by 20% -50%; product quality improvement, good taste, good appearance.

  Mushroom is not only delicious and nutritious, often been called healthy foods, such as mushrooms not only contains a variety of essential amino acids, but also has lower blood cholesterol, high blood pressure effect, in recent years also found mushrooms, mushrooms, mushroom, Hericium containing enhance human cancer-fighting ability of the material, and the cardiovascular system, stomach, helps eliminate, cough and asthma, expectorant, gallbladder, liver detoxification, immune regulation have played a considerable role.

  Mushroom production efficiency agriculture in our country, three-dimensional agriculture, ecological agriculture, export-oriented agriculture and the whole big agriculture has a very important position and role in the development of mushroom industry has important strategic significance.


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